Thursday, January 15, 2009

ChickLitGurrl Talks with The MPire Trilogy Author T.L. James

This month, ChickLitGurrl talks with T.L. James, author of the fabulous The MPire Trilogy!


CLG: How did you grow as a writer during the writing of THE MPIRE: DEATH COMETH?
TLJ: Writing from a male’s perspective was really a growing pain. To actually get in touch with the testosterone while writing is a stretch. My other growing pain was to write against how I believe. Some of my views and the views and positions that my characters take are extremely different. However, I felt that it was very important to my project my voice in the characters and let them speak for themselves.

CLG: If you were asked to describe your writing philosophy, how would you answer?
TLJ: Free writing and an analytical balance. I used a spreadsheet to “create” my timeline. I added historical events, both real and fictitious. Once I had my scaffold completed, I started free writing, allowing the characters to talk, act, react and acted-up.

CLG: What are you doing or planning to do to promote THE MPIRE: DEATH COMETH?
TLJ: I have teamed up with a wonderful publicist, Dana Pittman, to map out promotions strategy. My most important goal is to get my books into reader’s hands and that does not always mean in book stores. I participate in literary events at Art shows, Wine shows, Beauty shows – anywhere were people are present and buying. I have a website ( that gives information about me and my books, as well as other projects. I have a blog ( where I share my secrets about writing, new authors’ reviews, and other thoughts.

Check out the rest of T.L. James' interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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