Monday, June 22, 2009

Making the WORD Work for You: Writer Shari Smothers

Head over to ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING where I talk with a writer who knows the importance of the word: Shari Smothers!

Making the WORD Work for You: Writer Shari Smothers


CLG: Do you find that many of the things you write about are intrinsically connected to you?
SS: Yes, easily, my creative writing is connected with me. With commercial writing, though, I try to connect with my subject in a personal way. It helps me to write authentically even when I’m not writing about me.

CLG: How important is social media to the promoting of your writing?
SS: I think social media is really powerful. I don’t use it regularly to promote my work so much as to socialize. When I do use it for my work, I see the difference in my traffic. For my next book, I will use it much more.

I’ve heard that mainstream publishers are advocating their writers join social media sites, naming Facebook and Twitter. The self-publishing company I used for my book also advocates using social media and provides offers to help you get set up on the sites. Like them, I respect the power of word-of-mouth and personal interactions.

CLG: What is one important thing you've learned through your writing life?
SS: One important lesson that surfaces often is that words have power. And wielding that power is a privilege best tempered by humility and gratitude.

To read the rest of Shari Smothers' interview, head to ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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