ARE YOU....SASSY? Come by CLG today to check out my interview with Eva, owner of the site SASSY WOMEN, a place dedicated to creating a community for women of color in their twenties!
When asked, How would you define the typical SASSY young women of color, Eva replied, "Well SASSY Women means Smart, Ambitious, Sexy and Sophisticated Young Women. That's the typical woman. Most of us at least have a BA, but most have some sort of graduate degree or are on the way. A lot of the writers (and readers I imagine) have some sort of hustle, usually in the form of their own business. They do more than just the 9 to 5 and then sit at home. They are of course sexy, beautiful inside and out, and confident. And sophisticated - we are not the stereotypical crazy or angry women. We carry ourselves with grace. (I can't forget that there are SASSY men out there. They are simply amazing too!)."
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