Monday, August 18, 2008

Check out interview with everywoman, APOOO Books Founder Yasmin Coleman

Today @ ChickLitGurrl, I talk with YASMIN COLEMAN, another everywoman, who is literary publicist and promoter, book reviewer, and founder of APOOO Books and BookClub.

When asked, "What are three things that EVERY author must have in his/her promotion arsenal," Coleman stated that one of those things was "a local presence. Many authors want to travel the country to promote their book and that's fine; however, when I ask them have they explored their local options they look at me as thought I just grew another head. LOL. Does your local newspaper know that you've written a book and have they done a feature article on you? Have you done book signings/appearances at your local bookstores? Are the local book clubs aware that you have a book and have you asked them to host you at an upcoming meeting? What about local organizations? Does anyone know your name? What about in your state? Before an author spends hundreds/thousands of dollars travelling to promote their book, they should make sure they've covered most of the bases in their home location.

To learn more about Yasmin, APOOO, and how SHE can help authors promote their literary works, head over to CHICKLITGURRL: high on LATTES & WRITING --!

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